Hi. I’m Van-Toan Vo. I’m an software developer in Ho Chi Minh City, VN.
I’ve spent most of my career building software. My focus has largely been on designing high speed embedded systems, but I’ve got a reasonable amount of experience in:
I’m also really interested in a few engineering-adjacent-but-less-tech-centric topics, like:
- product management and customer development,
- how people organize and work.
This blog is an attempt to turn some of that experience and interest into serviceable information for people who are not my coworkers.
I love to run, read books, watch A-M and play rock music.
Standing Invitation
I’d love to hear from you in any capacity - technology wise, career wise, or just to shoot the breeze. You can use the “Contact” link on this page, or you can shoot me an email directly at [email protected].
I love seeing what kind of program people are building. As such, I’d be happy to review any program schematic that you’re willing and able to send me. I won’t help you with your homework, or to make a deadline, but I’d like to see what you’re building, and offer constructive feedback if I can.
I’m hosting this Jekyll blog on Github Pages, and using the Voyager theme.